Mission:Impossible-Fallout (and updated top ten movies of all time)

***Warning, may contain spoilers***

So, today I saw the latest Mission Impossible movie 'Fallout' and well it's hard to write a long review because there's no much to say except it was quite simply, EPIC. 

Why do I say that? Well, there are so many reasons, firstly, the incredible star names in this movie, I mean wow! You have Henry Cavill, better known for playing Superman in recent movies, you have the always hilarious Simon Pegg, you have Tom Cruise, you have Alec Baldwin, the list goes on and on. 

But, star names do not make a movie, it's about the acting, the performance the director gets out of his star names and more. Let me just say that every actor in this movie gives everything, absolutely everything to their respective role. The big shock (spoiler alert), is that normally good guy Cavill plays a baddie. But even more exciting than that, a twisted baddie, who at the start of the movie you think is on the Government's side. 

It is a big shock because we are all used to his heroic saving the world Superman demeanour and maybe that's why he was chosen for this role, who would have thought the actor that plays Superman would ever be a bad guy? The real difference to show he isn't the character you are used to is that his hair is slightly forward at the front, again possibly to emphasise this isn't good guy Clark Kent before he turns into Superman! 

I have to say kudos to the Sound engineer as the music is so dramatic and drags you into the story. But, the real awards need to go to firstly the director, and secondly Tom Cruise. 

This movie has one of the longest and most incredible car chase scenes I have seen in a very long time, in fact possibly since the original Italian Job movie and that certainly is high praise indeed! The scene in question is set in the city of Paris and the point of view shots following Tom Cruise on a motorbike and in a car through Paris are simply so good they make you feel dizzy! You genuinely feel like you are there. Just incredible but it's too hard to explain, just go and see it! 

Tom Cruise, well what can I say? To do the stunts he did, well let's just say Wow! And I tell you what, you can tell from the settings that the vast majority of stunts are not CGI but actually are happening. The scenes in Paris, for example you just couldn't have done those with CGI, for example when Cruise is hanging onto a vehicle you can see his hair blowing into the wind. I could be wrong, but these aren't fake stunts, well a lot of them aren't. 

If you want to see a great spy movie, with absolutely jaw dropping stunts, I mean stunts where I'm guessing there were injuries on set when filming them as they are so dangerous and incredible, and an incredible nail biting climax to boot, then go and see this movie. 98% positive on Rotten Tomatoes at the time of writing I mean wow! 

You will see stunts, crashes and epic camera angles that will make you think 'how did they do that?' When I first saw it was nearly two and a half hours I thought that this was going to be a long drawn out movie, but it isn't, it flies by. Every second of this movie is used perfectly. It's James Bond without Bond that's how good it is. Not many more superlatives I can use to be honest. 

Does it enter my all time top ten of movies? It's a close one and I've had to do a lot of thinking as there are so many good movies in there but....YES! lands in at number 9. In fact, here is an updated list: 1) Skyfall, 2) Titanic, 3) Spectre, 4) Dunkirk, 5) The Greatest Showman 6) Pulp Fiction, 7) Kill Bill Part 1, 8) Wonder Woman 9) Mission: Impossible- Fallout 10) Captain America, Civil War. 

Regular readers will note quite a change above to the previous list I did. I've simply had a rethink and to be honest this list will change again but that's my feelings at the moment. Of course, others will have different views! 

Finally, it goes without saying that Mission: Impossible- Fallout is a spectacular must see movie. Five huge stars and a place in my coveted top ten movies of all time awarded. Just go see it, seriously! You won't be dissapointed.  :-) 

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going thankyou  :-) 


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