Battle of the sexes: This time the critics have it right.

Every now and then a movie comes along which goes into my top ten movies of all time and Battle of the sexes goes straight in at about number 5. The critics have hugely acclaimed this film and this time they are so right.

It stars Steve Carrell, in only his second 'serious' film since The big short. He has definitely made the transition from being a comedy actor in The Office U.S tv series and The 40 year old virgin to something possibly even better. He plays Bobby Riggs, a self proclaimed male chauvinist tennis player who believes women belong in the kitchen and the bedroom!

He challenges Emma stone of La la land fame to a winner takes all match to see if he can be proved wrong. Emma Stone plays Billie Jean King, a female tennis player that was the first woman to lead the revolt against the male dominated tennis world and demand equal pay for female tennis players. Yes, this movie is based on a true story.

I won't give anything away but the movie just keeps getting better and better as it goes along. An absolute must see. Five stars easily!

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission thank you.


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