Catch Me If You Can

Well I wasn't going to publish another movie review until the new year, but when you are chilling out at home and are watching one of your favourite movies that used to be in your top ten of all time movies for about the 5th time, it's worth a review.

Yes, Catch Me If You Can is that good. It started around 8th in my all time top ten but is now around 11th as further movies have replaced it.

It is based on the true story of Frank Abergnale junior, played by Leonardo Di Caprio who was a teenage conman who, before his 19th birthday, managed to convince people he was a Co-Pilot for Pan-Am (who remembers them?), a Teacher, a Doctor and a Lawyer. He flew thousands of miles for free and managed to cash over  $4 million worth of cheques.

This movie is directed by the second best director in the world, Quentin Tarantino being the best, James Cameron being the third best and Martin Scorcesse being the fourth best. I'm talking of course about the brilliant Steven Spielberg director of E.T and Jurassic Park amongst other outstanding movies.

He hit paydirt with this film, hiring the outstanding Leonardo Di Caprio, in his third best movie after Titanic and Shutter Island. He excels in this role as the cheeky Frank Abergnale Junior. His co-stars are Christopher Walken who is a top actor and of course Tom Hanks, playing Carl Hanratty who plays the FBI agent chasing him. Tom Hanks, I'm sure needs no explanation as he is one of the greatest and most talented actors in the world.

The camera work is very clever in this movie as you really feel like you are in Franks shoes, trying to avoid being caught. You also feel sorry for Frank and don't want him to be caught because it really comes across that, although what he was doing was illegal, he was just trying to make a living and we all know to train as a Pilot or a Doctor or a Lawyer takes many years and costs lots of money that many people can't afford to do, in my mind he was just trying to get into that world without the prohibitive time and expense, but that's just my opinion.

In conclusion, this is an excellent 'chase' type movie in a very similar vein as Oceans Eleven and other similar films. Easily worth five stars and I'm sure you've already seen it but if you haven't seen it, do. Merry Christmas. Five stars!

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission thank you.


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