The Disaster Artist

This really is the hardest film I've ever reviewed because I just can't decide if I liked it or not. The critics, apparently, loved it. I didn't. I didn't hate it either, it's just very very odd.

James Franco directs and stars in this movie, along with his brother Dave Franco. It's based on a guy called Tommy and it' a true story about a cult movie that Tommy directed and starred in called 'The Room'. I have to say after seeing this movie, there's no way on earth I want to see The Room!

Tommy is a terrible, terrible actor with a very strange accent, which as he says he's from New Orleans is very strange. He is also rolling in money, but to this day no one knows where he got his money from, or even how old he is.

He partners with Greg, played by James Francos brother, Dave Franco and they make the worst movie ever made- The Room. There are lots of guest stars in this film such as the awesome Bryan Cranston, the hugely talented Zac Efron and the always hilarious Seth Rogen, who James Franco has worked with before, especially in that hilarious movie The Dictator.

It is funny watching them make the awful movie but it is also very very stupid and, although I know it's intentional but the acting isn't great in a lot of the scenes, possibly intentionally but it just looks odd. The film isnt completely awful, there were a lot of scenes that made me laugh, you add that and the array of talented guest stars and it takes the film to the average mark. I must say James Francos accent that I appreciate he has to do as the original Tommy had that accent makes it hard to understand what he is saying at times.

My favourite James Franco movie is actually the one time he made a serious movie, 127 hours. That was just brilliant acting and I would love if he made another movie like that again.

In conclusion, this movie isn't as terrible as I'm sure The Room is (which I have no desire to watch), but it's not great either. Unless you have an unlimited card save your money and wait for it to come out on tv. Three stars

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission thank you.


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