
Every now and then a film will come along that will make you say 'huh?' Downsizing is one of those films.

I was so looking forward to this movie as I'm a massive fan of Matt Damon. I've seen so many of his films such as Surbubicon. On top of that you have the guy that played the evil villan in the excellent movie Spectre, namely Christoph Waltz. In this movie he is a completely different character, not a villan at all, but absolutely hilarious! Finally you have Jason Sudeikis, who has been in many a comedy.

This film starts off as a comedy I would say. The storyline is that scientists have found a way to save the human race and stop our consumption of the planet which, in actual fact, could well lead to our extinction.

The way they do this is by 'Downsizing' people. What this means is shrinking them to about 5 inches tall and building entire cities for them. It's actually a very clever idea if you think about it. When someone is 5 inches tall a glass of beer becomes a thimble. A single Dollar is worth 1,000 Dollars. Everything goes so much further.

Also when you are that small you generate less waste in 6 months than the average human being does in a week. It's a really clever idea, if it was real of course! You would cure world hunger at a stroke and everyone would live like kings in mansions the size of a matchbox.

Once Matt Damons character, Paul, becomes small the movie abruptly changes, from a comedy to a very educational piece about how human beings are destroying the planet very quickly. It really makes you think. Even with this change of pace though there are still some incredibly funny moments, including a hilarious conversation between Paul and his new girlfriend!

I really liked this movie, it was part funny, but it also made me think about the planet as well. Don't go if you're expecting a laugh out loud comedy as you will be dissapointed.

In summary, if you want a few laughs and you believe in helping save the planet, this movie is for you. Four stars awarded.

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission thank you


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