The 15:17 to Paris

Firstly, i think Clint Eastwood is an incredible director. It can't be easy to make the transition from actor to director but he's managed it. Million Dollar Baby is one of my favourite films.

Firstly, I was really shocked when my friend Dominic Jenkinson advised me he was 87 years old. That's just incredible and he's still directing. Wow.

In this movie though, he excels himself. In 2015 on a train from Amsterdam to Paris a terrorist armed with over 300 rounds of ammunition tried to attack the train and kill as many people as he could.

However he was stopped by 3 incredible and brave heroes who were visiting the country from the USA.

The twist is, in this movie Eastwood uses the actual heroes from the terrible event that saved all those lives in a recreation of the original event. What is even clever is that he intertwines some of the film with real life footage so blended in that it's almost impossible to tell what is real and what is acted.

To use the actual heroes that saved all those lives deserves an Oscar in itself and I cannot understand the bad reviews this movie is getting because these heroes can act. I genuinely think following this movie they will all have careers in acting and I hope they do.

There is also a top actress in this movie who played Pam in the US version of the office, but this film isn't about her, it's about charting the lives of these 3 spectacular heroes from childhood right up to the events of that fateful day.

Some parts of the terrorism scene are hard to watch because they are so dramatic. Made even more dramatic knowing that these 3 are literally living through these events all over again just to bring it to film! Wow, just Wow!

I can actually say today I saw two 5 star movies. Neither in my top ten but that's no criticism, to be in the top ten you have to be on another level but both of the movies I've seen today are an absolute must see, especially this one. And if you can't see a movie starring actual heroes that saved the lives of everyone on the train what movie can you see? Go see it. Five stars awarded.

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission thank you


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