Pacific Rim Uprising

***Warning, this review may contain spoilers***

I'm going to start off by saying I LOVED the first Pacific Rim movie. It was epic. To be honest I love the Transformer movies so I was always going to enjoy this but this was pure class. The breach opened up in the Pacific Ocean, the monsters came through and humans built awesome robots to destroy the monsters and close the breach. It was awesome.

If ever there was a movie i thought would be a one off that was it. The breach was closed, end off. But when I heard there was going to be a sequel I was intrigued. I thought 'where can they go from here?'. The cast was pretty good, from the guy from Horrible Bosses to the guy from Star wars it all sounded great. Unfortunately, it really wasn't.

The movie started off incredibly slowly, humans were happy, they had beaten the monsters and the world was getting back to normal. But, it carried on like that too, slowly. I was watching it and watching it thinking 'where is the action, where are the monsters?'

Eventually, in the last act of the movie they came out and that bit was epic. But unfortunately before that there was too much talking and too many corny 'we saved the world' one liners. Through part of the movie I started nodding off and that is never a good sign!

The way it ended there clearly will be a third movie which I hope will be a lot better than this boring snore fest. I've given it an extremely generous 3 stars for the great action scenes and special effects etc near the end but that is being generous.

In conclusion, my advice is wait until the movie comes out on Netflix or something and just fast forward to the last approximately 35 minutes. You won't be missing much. A generous 3 stars awarded for the comedy of the guy from Horrible Bosses and the very good action and special effects scenes at the end.  This movie could have been so much better than it was. Three stars generously awarded.

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission thank you


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