Tomb Raider

I'm going to start by saying that i always loved the original Tomb Raider games. The inginuty needed to solve the puzzles, the block based look of the games, the grunting with effort that Lara shows in the games when she pulls herself up to the top of an obstacle, it was all just a great way to spend hours of gameplay.

So, you can imagine how happy I was the first time the Tomb Raider movies came out, featuring Angelina Jolie. I must admit I loved those movies. Angelina was simply one incredible action babe, for want of a better word.

So, now Tomb Raider is back, this time starring relatively unknown actress Alicia Vikander, how does it compare to the game and to the Angelina series of Tomb Raider movies?

The answer is, quite favourably. One thing I will say is that the action takes a bit longer to get going than Angelinas Tomb Raider, but, when it does it doesn't stop! Alicia proves once again something I've always thought which is in average, women often make better action movies then men.

The question is why is this? The answer is very simple, when a guy is in an action movie, on average he tends to be fairly old such as Liam Neeson or Bruce Willis or even Stallone. Now, don't get me wrong I love all of those actors and they do a great job, but when women tend to be in an action movie they are, again for want of a better word, sexier. And, as my friend Dominic has told me before (hope you don't mind the name drop here Dom), sex sells.

Who wouldn't want to see women like Tomb Raider, Wonder Woman, Red Sparrow etc etc saving the world and looking good whilst doing it? I actually think that the women in these action movies do a better job than the blokes, because due to their age they can do incredible stunts that the older male action movie actors cannot do.

This brings me again onto Alicias Tomb Raider. To go from a relatively unknown actress to this movie has completely put her on the map. She's more human as well than Jolies Tomb Raider because she starts off with average strength and throughout the movie she picks up the skills needed to be a great Tomb Raider, fighting the bad guys. On top of that her problem and puzzle solving skills are amazing. I would also add that Kiristin Scott Thomas plays a great minor role in this movie and, without spoiling anything, I feel she will play a bigger role in the future sequels which are sure to follow. Hopefully relatively soon as well if this first movie is anything to go by.

My friend Dom advised me to read some reviews before posting and dude, I took your advice and I did just that. I must say the reviews from others are average at best, with comments such as boring and bland but I disagree with those comments. It's certainly not bland, a lot happens in the movie and it's certainly not boring as the action keeps up for large portions of the movie.

In conclusion, this is not a 5 star movie, mostly because it takes a while to get going and there is one major continuity flaw in the movie (Mini spoiler: look out for the disappearing floor and then when they return the same way, where's the missing floor?). However it is a well worthy 4 star movie.

Lots of action, lots of puzzle and problem solving combined with a sexiness of the lead actress that adds to the movie but doesn't overburden it, this movie well earns the 4 star rating I am giving it. Well done Alicia, I can't wait for the sequel! 4 stars awarded.

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission thank you.


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