Watch Me Die

***Warning, may contain spoilers***

I don't normally review short films on You Tube, but my friend Dominic Jenkinson has made a short film so I thought, as he's a friend, let's review the movie.

Firstly, here's the link to the movie:

Watch Me Die is an intriguing film made in a documentary style about a guy that fakes his own death, then hires a film crew to film people he knows to see what their reaction is to his death.

There are some very funny parts, such as the prostitute scene and the Mr T wig scene, but I wouldn't call it a comedy. I would call it an interesting reveal about what your friends think of your life.

I myself have always wondered 'will I be remembered when I'm gone?' And this film explores that. The answers the guy in question gets back are certainly interesting!

There turn out to be things he thinks he did heroically that not many people are bothered about but then also things that he didn't rate that the people they interview really like.

The biggest thing about this movie is the ending. Firstly the memorial his friends make on the beach for him is amazing but secondly, what a twist at the end. Did in the end he actually kill himself? I really think the director needs to make a sequel so we find out!

That said there are some flaws with this movie, the biggest of which is the title 'Watch Me Die'. It is very misleading as it makes you think it's a My Sister's Keeper weepy sort of movie and it just isn't. The title will possibly put people off watching the movie, I know I was apprehensive about watching it for that reason as films where people die of serious illnesses really upset me. I would have called it 'If I Was Dead' personally.

That said, it is an intriguing and revealing documentary and well deserves the four star rating I am giving it. I think we just need a sequel now to see if he actually did kill himself! Well done Dominic, four stars awarded.

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission thank you


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