A Quiet Place

Firstly, I've always loved the US version of The Office. Specifically I always thought the character Jim Halpert, played by John Krasinski was just outstanding. His relationship with Pam and the comedy moments with Dwight were just brilliant.

Why am I bringing this up I hear you ask? Well that's because in the movie I've just watched, A Quiet Place, John directs and stars in the same movie he directs and he really does an epic job!

I wasn't expecting to say this before I saw the movie but this movie goes in at number 7 on my top ten favourite movies of all time list. That means after The Greatest Showman pushed out Captain America Civil war, The wolf Of Wall Street that replaced that movie at number 10 now drops off the list. Simply outstanding.

This movie also co stars Emily Blunt from the brilliant movie The Girl On The Train. But this is better. Probably the greatest horror movie I've ever seen. There are parts you will be watching through your fingers (I'm still shaking), but if a horror movie does that to you it's done it's job.

So, why is it so good? Firstly John does an incredible job. I mean what a feat to be the main star and direct the movie you were the main star in. But the main reason it's so good is it's the premise. A Quiet Place. The storyline of this movie is that monsters, and I mean realistic Alien style monsters, have taken over the Earth and are killing everyone bit by bit.

However, these monsters have a key flaw. They are blind but have an incredible sense of hearing. The slogan of the movie is 'if they can't hear you, the can't hunt you' and this leads to a movie that is so good it' just incredible.

See, because the characters can't talk, they have to use sign language to talk to each other so the monsters can't hear them, it means the audience can't talk. Now, normally when you go to a movie you can hear people whispering, people loudly munching popcorn etc etc. During this movie you could hear a pin drop.

Why? I hear you ask. Well, quite simply apart from the attack scenes, by the nature of the movie it is a quiet movie. There is almost no talking, there can't be or they would die. So to be able to watch and enjoy the film, the audience have to be quiet too. This adds so much to the movie. You know when you are watching a movie normally you get distracted one way or another? There is no chance of that happening here.

This movie needs to be watched in the cinema. It's perfect for the cinema. It's an absolute must see. At home you talk, you pause the film etc etc. This movie is made to be watched in a quiet cinema with no talking and very little noise. The less noise the better to enjoy this movie.

The monsters are truly horrific and terrifying. When you see them up close you won't want to look at them as they are so disturbing and scary. Everything about this film puts you on edge as you pray they don't make a sound so they don't get killed. The pregnancy scene  (I won't tell you anymore than that it would spoil the movie), is literally horrific.

In conclusion if Johns future films are like this he will become one of the greatest directors of our time. A well deserved addition to number 7 on my all time favourite movies list. If you like IT, Stranger Things, horror movies or thrillers, you will love this movie. An absolutely must see at the cinema. 5 stars awarded. Outstanding.

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission thank you


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