The Ides Of March

So, I'm relaxing on my day off and there's nothing much at the cinema that I want to see this week (that I haven't already seen), so I think 'I know I'll watch a movie'. So I scroll through the different Amazon Prime movies on my firestick and I find this little gem, The Ides Of March, and I'm so glad I did!

What first attracted me to this film was the cast. You have the gorgeous Evan Rachel Wood, who, as we all know by now plays the brilliant Dolores in the epic tv show, Westworld. Not only that, this movie also has in it Jeffrey Wright who in Westworld plays Bernard/Arnold. This movie was released in 2011 so way before Westworld, but it certainly showed the acting talent both actors have. 

On top of that you have the brilliant Ryan Gosling, who you may know from such films as La La Land, and the very talented Paul Giamatti. It also stars the exceptionally talented and so sadly no longer with us, Philip Seymour Hoffman. 

In addition to all of these incredible stars it's also directed by, and starring the outstanding George Clooney. Wow. What a cast list. 

They don't dissapoint. Each character compliments the movie by being in the movie enough, but not too much. Although Clooney is the director, Ryan Gosling is the main character in this movie, probably so Clooney had time to direct and star in this film. Although even as the main actor, Gosling isn't in the movie too much. It's not overkill. There are a lot of scenes with some of the other characters rather than Gosling in this movie, and you can only compliment Clooney, as director for that. 

The sound in this movie is engaging. By that I mean when dramatic moments are happening in the film the sound goes to just the right volume and dramatic notes just to get you tense and ready for whatever is about to happen. Additionally the lighting is great, neither too bright or too dark. 

So, that's the actors and director, what about the actual storyline? In a word: outstanding. I must say I do love a 'political' thriller. Or a legal thriller. The Firm is one of my favourite films. 

The story in this movie is about a guy that helps run his governers campaign for the democratic vote in Ohio in order to secure the nomination for the presidency race. It is brilliant. It's enganging, it's tense, it really is a great watch as you uncover the darker side of politics and discover that no one is as squeaky clean as you may think they are. 

Just when you think you've guessed it, something else happens to change everything, leaving you open mouthed in surprise. I will say this isn't the sort of movie you can just sit, disengage brain and switch off, you need to concentrate. But it really is worth it as fans of Westworld will know! 

I loved this movie, it has twists, turns and proves that everyone has a dark side they don't want people to know about and no one is as squeaky clean as they may look. 

It's out on Amazon Prime, and i am sure there are other ways you can watch it as well. If you haven't seen it yet you should. A brilliant watch, 5 stars awarded.

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission. Please visit my advertisers as they help keep the blog going thankyou. :-) 


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