Deadpool 2

***Warning: contains spoilers for this movie and the recent Avengers: Infinity War movie***

I've been really upset with actor Josh Brolin. After his stint as Thanos in Avengers Infinity War I've been really annoyed with him. I can't stop thinking 'how can anyone agree to be in a movie where he is the bad guy, plus he wins and loads of favourite superheroes die?' I just don't know how anyone would want to actually be a bad guy that wins. It's so sad.

However, he has redeemed himself in Deadpool 2. In this movie he plays Cage, a time travelling human/cyborg type character who comes back from the future to fix the present. Yes, like in Infinity War there are time travel elements to this movie. I know exactly why that had to be the case too.

Marvel movies usually run on a timeline. Each movie runs into the next one and is in time order. So, after Infinity War I was expecting the Marvel world to be a dark place. Half the population of the universe had just been killed. However, it wasn't, it was just normal earth and I can only presume the time travel aspect of this movie was to emphasise that fact. This movie was clearly set at a different time either way before, or way after the tragic events of Infinity War.

Brolins character starts off a bit like Thanos but not as violent. He wants to right the wrongs of the future and will stop anyone that gets in his way. Cue an awesome superhero action movie.

The director has done a great job in this movie, with epic fights and brilliant death scenes it's a really absorbing watch. The songs in this movie are also brilliant. It starts with an epic James Bond style sequence sung by Celine Dion. Awesome. And, that is something that I love about Deadpool, it takes the mickey out of other films mercisslsesly. When you watch the James Bond style sequence look out for the joke names at the bottom haha. Also the lighting is perfect, neither too light or too dark in any scenes. Just right.

I've always loved Ryan Reynolds as an actor. He is epic, great at action and comedy. I have a lot of time for him and in playing Deadpool, he has hit his zenith. Constantly mocking other movies, especially Logan/Wolverine is the order of the day. Brilliant. Watching Deadpool is almost a game of how many movie references you can notice! Brilliant. The stunts are amazing too as are the CGI effects. They aren't unrealistic as in another movie i saw recently, Rampage, but they are enough to make you go wow but also to blend in with the movie seamlessly.

A final point I would like to make about this brilliant movie is don't leave as soon as the credits start rolling. You will miss one of, actually in fact, the best post credit scenes ever. It is also a scene that is integral to the main movie itself, so don't miss it.

For everything I've told you and much, much more Deadpool 2 is an absolute must see movie, and Marvel have cleverly released it just after the deep sadness and depression that is Infinity War because, quite simply they clearly realise after the despair of that movie we all need cheering up and hats off to them for that.

A must see movie, it doesn't make my top ten movies of all time but it isn't far off. Go and see it you will love it and you will come away with a big smile on your face and be less angry with Josh Brolin too. I am still hopeful that as Thanos he will be defeated but, for now, as Cage the boy did good as did everyone involved with making and starring in this brilliant movie. Five stars easily awarded and well deserved too. Well done Deadpool 2 and thankyou for cheering me up! :-)

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going. Thankyou.


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