The Secret Of Marrowbone
***Warning, contains spoilers***
Recently I reviewed the awful horror movie, well, supposedly 'horror' movie Hereditary and as regular readers of my reviews will know I completely disagreed with the so called critics and found it to be absolute rubbish.
Today I saw my first horror movie since Hereditary, The Secret Of Marrowbone, which from now on for ease of use I will refer to as Marrowbone. Marrowbone hasn't been given amazing reviews by the critics. At the time of writing it has 49% on rotten tomatoes but a much better 60% by the general public.
I actually disagree with both of them. Marrowbone is one of the scariest horror movies I've seen in a very, very long time. I left the cinema with my heart racing and with sweaty palms from how tense and deeply upsetting it was. If I was reviewing it on rotten tomatoes I would be giving it about 99%!
I normally don't watch movies that don't have very famous actors in them, but the trailer for this movie drew me in and I'm so glad I watched it. It felt like an adult version of the Netflix series Stranger Things, and indeed one of the actors (Charlie Heaton) from that series is in this movie. The rest of the actors I vaguely recognise but they certainly aren't household names. However, that is irrelevant. It is a truly terrifying movie and I don't use those words lightly. Well done the director, the sound engineer and the rest of the crew and cast, you've done an outstanding job, no matter what others may say.
So, why is it so scary? Well, quite simply, it's the most twisted, messed up, disturbing piece of film making I've ever seen. The storyline is a family move into a new house with their mother, who is sadly dying of cancer, to get away from their violent, murderer, abuser father.
Sadly, their mother quickly passes away and the responsibility of looking after the family lies with the oldest son, who has to keep them hidden away until he reaches 21 so he can legally become the guardian of the children.
You might think, that doesn't sound that scary, but, believe me, it gets truly terrifying. The movie does start off as a drama but it quickly becomes true horror. What I talk about from now on is a spoiler so read on at your own risk.
Their Dad has been sent to prison for all his hideous crimes, but he escapes and comes after the children. For most of the movie you think that they killed their Dad between them and left him dead in the attic.
However, in a massive twist it turns out their Dad killed all the children except the oldest child who locked what he thought was his dead Dad in the attic. Where you see the different children talking to each other it is actually the oldest child who can't accept that his brothers and sister are dead so has taken on the multiple personalities of all the children. This is an outstanding insight into mental health and deeply upsetting to see but it is something that happens in real life so I'm glad the film maker has brought our attebtion to this type of illness.
On top of this it turns out that the Dad isn't dead (what a twist!), and has been living by eating rats in the attic. You can imagine how violent, disturbing and upsetting things get after this!
Twist after twist, disturbing event after disturbing event, this truly is an outstanding film and is very close to my top ten, it probably comes in at about 11 or 12. It really is that good. Even writing this review now is really working me up because it's bringing back memories of how upsetting and disturbing the movie truly is.
An absolute must see,truly horrifying and disturbing film. Well done to all involved. Five massive stars awarded. Not for the faint hearted. Enjoy! :-)
*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going thankyou :-)
Recently I reviewed the awful horror movie, well, supposedly 'horror' movie Hereditary and as regular readers of my reviews will know I completely disagreed with the so called critics and found it to be absolute rubbish.
Today I saw my first horror movie since Hereditary, The Secret Of Marrowbone, which from now on for ease of use I will refer to as Marrowbone. Marrowbone hasn't been given amazing reviews by the critics. At the time of writing it has 49% on rotten tomatoes but a much better 60% by the general public.
I actually disagree with both of them. Marrowbone is one of the scariest horror movies I've seen in a very, very long time. I left the cinema with my heart racing and with sweaty palms from how tense and deeply upsetting it was. If I was reviewing it on rotten tomatoes I would be giving it about 99%!
I normally don't watch movies that don't have very famous actors in them, but the trailer for this movie drew me in and I'm so glad I watched it. It felt like an adult version of the Netflix series Stranger Things, and indeed one of the actors (Charlie Heaton) from that series is in this movie. The rest of the actors I vaguely recognise but they certainly aren't household names. However, that is irrelevant. It is a truly terrifying movie and I don't use those words lightly. Well done the director, the sound engineer and the rest of the crew and cast, you've done an outstanding job, no matter what others may say.
So, why is it so scary? Well, quite simply, it's the most twisted, messed up, disturbing piece of film making I've ever seen. The storyline is a family move into a new house with their mother, who is sadly dying of cancer, to get away from their violent, murderer, abuser father.
Sadly, their mother quickly passes away and the responsibility of looking after the family lies with the oldest son, who has to keep them hidden away until he reaches 21 so he can legally become the guardian of the children.
You might think, that doesn't sound that scary, but, believe me, it gets truly terrifying. The movie does start off as a drama but it quickly becomes true horror. What I talk about from now on is a spoiler so read on at your own risk.
Their Dad has been sent to prison for all his hideous crimes, but he escapes and comes after the children. For most of the movie you think that they killed their Dad between them and left him dead in the attic.
However, in a massive twist it turns out their Dad killed all the children except the oldest child who locked what he thought was his dead Dad in the attic. Where you see the different children talking to each other it is actually the oldest child who can't accept that his brothers and sister are dead so has taken on the multiple personalities of all the children. This is an outstanding insight into mental health and deeply upsetting to see but it is something that happens in real life so I'm glad the film maker has brought our attebtion to this type of illness.
On top of this it turns out that the Dad isn't dead (what a twist!), and has been living by eating rats in the attic. You can imagine how violent, disturbing and upsetting things get after this!
Twist after twist, disturbing event after disturbing event, this truly is an outstanding film and is very close to my top ten, it probably comes in at about 11 or 12. It really is that good. Even writing this review now is really working me up because it's bringing back memories of how upsetting and disturbing the movie truly is.
An absolute must see,truly horrifying and disturbing film. Well done to all involved. Five massive stars awarded. Not for the faint hearted. Enjoy! :-)
*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going thankyou :-)
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