Ant Man And The Wasp
***Warning, contains spoilers***
Regular followers to this blog will know that I love Marvel films, always have. I love the action, the excitement, the way the stories link to past and potentially future movies. However, I also am not keen on wasps. Having been chased enough times by wasps when I've been outside, and sometimes even inside and stung before as well I really am not keen on them at all.
However, I need not have worried. Followers, this movie is about a woman called The Wasp not an actual wasp so anyone else who has a phobia about wasps you can breathe easy!
I loved the first Ant Man movie, I've always rated Paul Rudd as an actor, ever since he played Phoebe's boyfriend Mike on the tv series Friends I've been impressed with his acting ability. Added to the fact that he isn't your typical superhero. He's an ex con, he's a bad guy turned good. It's nice to see that element of rehabilitation in the movie it really is. Added to that you have famed actor Michael Douglas, who again is excellent as always and you have all the ingredients for an excellent movie.
The Ant Man sequel is set after Captain America: Civil War, but before Avengers: Infinity War and it explains why Ant Man wasn't there helping the Avengers against Thanos. He has spent the last two years under house arrest since all that hassle at the airport in Captain America: Civil War so he couldn't have helped. Plus, he's called upon to help rescue Michael Douglas' characters wife who is played by the lovely Michelle Pfeiffer, from the quantum relm that he himself visited in the last Ant Man movie.
This movie doesn't have the action of the first Ant Man movie until the final quarter of the film, it is a lot more comedy and story based, but that's not a bad thing. It's just different. This movie has an excellent and interesting storyline but without a real baddie like you usually get in Marvel movies, more just some less desirable characters who want the technology for their own purposes but not a really evil baddie at all. Again that is hard to get used to but the story is that interesting it makes up for having less action and less evil baddies. It's more a light hearted fun movie, not to be taken too seriously and to be honest, it provides some light relief after all the seriousness of Infinity War.
The director and crew have done a great job, the story is told in enough detail to keep you watching, but not so much detail that you get bored. The pace is just right. Personally, I would have preferred a bit more action though, but that is not a criticism, more just personal taste.
So, (huge spoiler alert) all is light hearted and fun until the very end, halfway through the closing credits. Then it gets serious. I won't give away too much detail, but it displays the consequences of Thanos' snap when half the world's population died instantly. Well, disintegrated is a better word. There are consequences for Ant Man also, but I'll let you watch and see for yourself. Also, stay right to the end of the credits as there is another scene at the end there too.
In conclusion, this is a great, fun, easy to watch Marvel movie. Not one of the best ever, but very very good and well deserving of the five stars I am going to give it. Just like Deadpool 2, it will cheer you up after Infinity War, until the very end of the movie. Enjoy, five stars awarded.
*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going thankyou :-)
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