The Nun/Blackkklansman

***Warning, contains spoilers***

Outstanding. That is the only way I can describe the two films I have seen today. The first outstanding and terrifying, the second outstanding and truly disturbing. Both of these are certainly two of the best movies I've seen this year, but potentially two of the greatest films I've seen ever. I'm not even going to do a top ten movies of all time anymore because the selection (excluding the top 3) is just too hard.

Anyway, onto The Nun. I love the Conjuring series and the movie Annabelle which all link to the Conjuring series of movies. From this series you will remember a painting of a disturbing looking demon disguised as a Nun. Well, this is the story about that demon and it is truly terrifying. By far the scariest film in the Conjuring/Annabelle series and one of the scariest movies of all time. Also, clearly the critics disagree with me, but to be honest I don't care, it was terrifying. I was watching the movie through my fingers at one stage.

The Nun doesn't star people I would call well known actors but that is irrelevant. It's the story and the twists and turns and....that face that gets you. Conjuring fans will remember the face of The Nun from the painting. It's deeply unsettling. Whenever you see it the image stays in your mind long after the movie has ended.

It stars a Catholic priest and accompanying Nun to be who go to investigate the suicide of another Nun in a Convent in Romania. The suicide though was just her way of escaping the deadly sinister demon Nun who was killing them all trying to possess them to get out into the world.

What makes it more upsetting for me is there is a little boy called Daniel (which is my name) involved that the priest can't save. I always think it's more upsetting in a horror movie when one of the characters has the same name as you.

I can't say anymore, it would spoil the movie and I'm still trying to get some of the terrifying images, especially the face of the Nun out of my head! Truly terrifying, deeply unsettling, five stars easily awarded. Must see for all horror movie fans.

Right, onto Blackkklansman. This movie does have fairly famous actors in it but it's not about them. Well it is, in that the director gets them to perform their roles perfectly but it's about one of the greatest directors around, Spike Lee.

This movie is a pure masterpiece. It details the start of the black power movement, when in America, black people finally stopped accepting being treated like second class citizens and started fighting back against white people in America that saw them as a second class race. You know what, I'm glad they did. The way Black people are treated in this movie is shocking. The language used I simply couldn't believe people used and I will not be repeating that disgraceful language here. Horrendous.

The story is how Colorado's first ever black cop manages to infiltrate the Klu Klu Klan with the help of his white colleague and collect substantial evidence to expose them for the disgraceful racists that they are. And too right. Spike Lee pulls this off to a tee, and in fairness he also shows things from the side of the black revolution so no one can say he is being one sided. It's simply incredible.

However, what really clinches the five star award is the ending. (Spoiler alert). The whole movie is set decades ago but then at the end the director cuts to recorded scenes of black vs white riots that actually happened in the USA last year. I had no idea that this sort of thing is still going on, it shocked me to my core it really did. The video of the driver of the car purposely running over people is Heart breaking. Plus, what makes it more upsetting is seeing Trump in a press conference basically sticking up for the white folks over the black folks. Truly shocking, a real mouth open moment.

Simply an incredible must watch movie, 5 stars easily awarded. Do what I did and see both of these films, you won't be dissapointed. Well, I hope you won't lol.

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going thankyou  :-)


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