Slaughterhouse Rulez

***Warning, contains spoilers***

I loved Shaun of The Dead, I loved Hot Fuzz and I loved the other films starring The comedy geniuses of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Even Paul was still not bad although not as good as their other movies.

I must say that since their last movie together Simon Pegg had done a lot better for himself than Nick Frost, starring in blockbuster movies such as the latest Mission Impossible movie, and Star Trek movies too.

Anyway, it was with great excitement that I discovered the comedy genius pair had a new movie coming out, Slaughterhouse Rulez. Yes, they spell it with a Z not an S, obviously trying to be 'cool'.

What did concern me is until I noticed the movie on the cinema listings page i hadn't seen the film advertised anywhere. That puzzled me, but then I thought, Shaun of The Dead wasn't advertised everywhere before it came out either, their movies tend to be a niche market, but still are brilliant.

So, I sat down eagerly anticipating more fun and laughter with the pair of them. Wow, how dissapointed and surprised was I? Firstly the main pair that 'sell' the movie to movie goers are hardly in this movie. In fact, I can't even remember a scene where they were both on screen at the same time. I think if you add Simon Pegg's screen time to Nick Frost's, you get maybe 15 minutes total. That is fragrant false advertising and maybe would have changed if I even saw the Movie had I known this.

On top of that the trailer is very misleading. It makes you think there are lot's of scenes of creatures etc attacking the school, when in fact only the last 30 minutes tops has anything like that.

The majority of the movie is a fairly boring young lad attends a boarding school and learns who he has to avoid annoying to survive. Typical stuff from a place like that. It's not funny, it's boring and it's absolutely a waste of time, you could actually fall asleep until there is about 30 minutes to go and you wouldn't miss much.

However, the movie sort of redeems itself with the last 30ish minutes. When the creatures from the hole in the ground come out and start attacking everyone and it gets Shaun of The Dead style gross, then it's awesome. Literally I was nodding off but the last 30ish minutes had me transfixed. The last part of the movie was funny, gross, witty and a bit naughty ;-) too. Everything the rest of the movie could have been but wasn't. I actually think the rest of the movie was simply filler to get to the good stuff.

So, well done for the last 30ish minutes film makers but that doesn't make this a great film. All it does is make it a 3 star movie rather than a 1 star movie.

Take my advice, don't bother paying to see it at the cinema, wait till it comes out on Netflix or something, this movie isn't worth paying for.

In conclusion, very sadly I'm wondering if Pegg and Frost have lost their comedy mojo? I don't think they have, I just think they need to go back to what they do best which is a movie featuring the two of them as the MAIN characters. It has worked for them everytime they've done it so why change it? I hope they listen to this advice.

Average movie, wait for it to come out on Netflix or something, 3 stars awarded.

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going thankyou  :-)


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