
***Warning, contains spoilers***

Every now and then a film is released that is not just one of the greatest movies of the year so far, well in this case the greatest movie of the year so far, but also one of the greatest movies ever made. This year there have been plenty of exceptional movies, but one of the greatest movies ever made? I'm not sure about that. Well I wasn't until now.

Widows is, quite simply, one of the greatest movies of all time. It is simply breathtaking, you cannot take your eyes off the screen. It shatters predjucies, it's astonishing well written and directed and, on top of that, although it's absolutely heaving, literally bursting at the seams with star names, everyone and I mean everyone in the movie gives performances of a lifetime.

Where do I begin? Well, firstly it is directed by one of the greatest directors of all time, Steve McQueen. The way he literally rips apart predjucies in this movie is simply staggering. Firstly the lead character in the movie is a black woman (Viola Davis) dating a white man, and massive respect to McQueen for turning racism on its head. Not that racism should exist in 2018, but, sadly I feel it still does.

On top of that, her partner played by the outstanding Liam Neeson, is only a bit part player in this film. The whole point of the movie is the women in this film undertake a robbery that their dead partners (spoiler alert, I did say Neeson etc were bit part players), planned to undertake.

But this movie is so much more than that. It isn't Oceans 8. It's a dramatic look at the widows way of coping with their partners deaths and, throughout the movie becoming stronger and stronger until they are the ones in control, they are the ones that will not be used by the men anymore. And you know what? Fair play to McQueen for making a film like this. Just like we now have a female Doctor who, it's about time.

There is a massive twist three quarters of the way through the movie, and I mean a twist that will make your jaw drop. You WON'T see it coming. I defy the movie viewer to say they predicted it before the twist is revealed. And, no I won't tell you what the twist is because I don't want to spoil the film.

I also want to make a massive shout out to Daniel Kaluuya, who stared in the movie Get out. In this film his character is, quite literally, terrifying and upsetting. I mean to the point where if I met the guy in real life id still be apprehensive due to the character he played in this movie. And it's harder as well because we are used to seeing him play the good guy. In this movie however he is definitely NOT the good guy!

I could go on for hours about what an exceptional movie this is, about how McQueen via this film has really moved the goalposts in the battle against racism and the battle for gender equality between women and men.

But, I'd be going on for hours so let me just say see this movie, please see this movie. You won't be dissapointed. Quite simply, exceptional. Five stars awarded. Must see.

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going, thankyou. :)


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