
***Warning, may contain spoilers***

People that know me, and regular readers of this blog will know I love Superhero movies. So, it was with great excitement I went to see the latest DC offering, Aquaman. Now, we all know that DC is generally light years behind Marvel in movie quality, although they did make Wonder Woman which was truly epic so they aren't all bad!

The problem is that the Marvel characters generate more excitement, the storylines seem to be better in the Marvel movies, and the movies themselves more epic. Plus, Marvel has more comedy moments like in Deadpool and Ant Man for example, not to mention Guardians Of The Galaxy. DC tends to be incredibly serious and dark and although at times that is warranted, to have it all the time can become very depressing.

However the trailer for Aquaman made it look like it was a fairly light hearted caper, and you know what, it was.

Before I talk about the lead character, Aquaman, played by Jason Mamoa, let me applaud some of the other actors and actresses in this movie. Nicole Kidman has a great cameo role as Aquamans mother and Patrick Wilson is great as Aquamans half brother. It was unusual to see Wilson not in a horror movie I have to say.

However some of the other well known actors were under used. Amber Heard wasn't in it as much as I thought she would be, but the greatest waste of talent was Willem Dafoe, a very talented actor that was vastly under used.

Right, onto the main man upfront in the movie, Jason Mamoa. Firstly, women (And some men I'm sure), will love him. He is packed full of muscles and he spend a a large part of the movie bare chested so, if you are into that, enjoy!

However, can he act? Well he seems like a fun guy, he drinks beer like an ordinary bloke, it's just on top of that he kicks bad guys arses. In answer to the question of can he act, well he wasn't given a great storyline. He spends the majority of the movie swimming around or on land searching for a trident that will help him become the new King of Atlantis. It's a weak storyline and the problem is they decided to make it that most of the residents (including the army) of Atlantis can't breathe the air, only a select few. This means the rest of them have to wear these strange looking suits with a face full of water when on land. It looks ridiculous. Surely they all could have been both air and water breathers?

Back onto Mamoa, and I'll be honest, on this evidence the jury's still out on whether he's an actor or just a guy that sells movie tickets by flexing his muscles a lot.

Don't get me wrong, he is great in the action scenes, especially when he is fighting the bad guys, that is epic but, in the in between fighting scenes, when there actually has to be more of a story he sadly falls short.

I am struggling to give a star rating for this movie, it has lots of good points, especially the action scenes, and it did hold my attention but then it's not a great storyline and the lead actor isn't the greatest actor I've ever seen. Let's go with 3.5 stars, unless you fancy Jason Mamoa. Then you would probably rate it higher. Just above average, says it all really. If you want to see a muscle bound bloke topless on the big screen, go see it at the cinema, otherwise wait till it comes out on Netflix or Amazon or similar! Just above average, 3.5 stars awarded.

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going thankyou  :)


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