Creed 2

***contains spoilers***

I loved all the Rocky movies, one of my favourites was when he fought and beat the Russian after the Russian had killed Apollo Creed in the ring in a shocking fight.

Little did I know this movie linked massively into that movie! Exciting and moving at the same time.

In this movie Adonis Creed (Apollo's Son) is challenged to fight the son of the Russian who killed his father. Obviously Rocky advises against it but the lure of revenge is too strong for Adonis to miss. There are two epic fights in this movie and the first one is incredibly upsetting, the second one just completely engrossing.

It also reunites Rocky with the Russian who he fought after he had killed Apollo Creed (and defeated). There is so much history and linked back story to this movie it is incredible. They even play the famous Rocky music towards the end of the movie. (Spoiler alert).

The first Creed movie did link to the previous Rocky movies, but not in detail, not to the level of this movie. It was basically an introduction to the son of Creed plus Rocky was involved as well.

This movie is completely different to that. It links massively to the Rocky movie where he fought the Russian in Russia and where Apollo Creed was killed by the Russian, sadly. In fact, if I had known how linked it was I may have watched that movie first before watching this one. In fact, I would recommend that you do that if you haven't seen Creed 2 already.

It is also a lovely surprise to see that Tessa Thompson, who is one of the main characters in the epic television series Westworld, is in this movie and there is a decent story between the boxing, namely her pregnancy.

Stallone is brilliant as Rocky as usual and, I don't know what he's had done, but he looks younger in this movie than he did in the first one. This is cleverly commented on by Creed when he mentions Rockys hair so well done the scriptwriters for getting that joke in.

The music is awesome as you'd expect in a movie with the Rocky character in it and the acting is superb. It is definitely better than the first Creed movie as long as you know the back story of Apollo Creed and Rockys fight with the Russian. Really, this movie is a sequel to that movie.

I do have one complaint, and that is that it is slightly too long. There are scenes in the movie that aren't needed and don't serve any real purpose to the film, plus there were times during the movie when Stallone mumbles too much. I know that's how Rocky speaks, but you have to be able to understand him and, a couple of times it is quite difficult.

However, these are minor gripes in an otherwise excellent movie with an absolutely epic fight towards the end of the film. Rocky fans, Creed fans and boxing fans you are in for a treat.

This movie almost makes 5 stars, but because of the issues I mentioned it just misses out on this but it is still a movie that I strongly recommend you see. Excellent movie, 4.5 stars awarded. :)

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going thankyou  :-)


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