
***Warning, contains spoilers***

I couldn't wait to see this movie. I've been so excited about it for months since I saw the trailer.

Firstly, I'm a massive fan of the director M.Night Shyamalan, who for ease of writing I will refer to as night for the rest of the review. Night has made so many amazing movies, from the incredible Sixth Sense (I see dead people), to Unbreakable and Split and more.

Almost every movie he directs he has a cameo role in, and that's a rare thing for a director. On top of that, every movie he directs usually has an incredible twist you just can't predict. He is just amazing as a director.

In this movie he simply excels himself, he doesn't just have one twist (spoiler alert), he has two! A double twist! I mean, wow. You could never have predicted what happens. Firstly, you think the two main characters, played by the awesome Bruce Willis and the exceptional James McAvoy (who is outstanding in every movie he is in), are going to go to the new building that's opening and fight in front of the world's media, but they don't. And, secondly, you feel so deflated when you think the world can't see them for the super powers they really are, but then there's a massive, incredibly unexpected twist no one could have predicted and it changes everything! Incredible. Outstanding directing.

That brings me on to Samuel L. Jacksons character, Elijah Price/Mr Glass, who he played in the first of this 'trilogy' Unbreakable. You genuinely think in this movie he is a bit part character, for the first half of this movie he seems virtually catatonic in a wheelchair, but he really isn't. His power isn't with his body, it's with his mind. And, the twist he causes at the end of the movie to show the world there are super 'hereos' and really to show us all that any of us can be one is simply incredible! In fact, I would say Jackson is the real star of this movie, although every character plays an incredible part.

You have the woman who 'The Beast' let go in the movie Split, and you have a doctor who you genuinely think believes that the three of them don't have any super powers at all (And she almost convinces the three of them of that), but then you realise in yet ANOTHER twist, she really does and is part of a group trying to stop them. Wow. In fact I've just realised there are actually 3 twists in this movie based on this paragraph. What an amazing director Night truly is.

Then you have McAvoys split personality character. I don't need to say anymore about him really, simply exceptional. How on earth he manages to play all those different characters I have no idea. You think to yourself, doesn't it drive him mad having to play all these different people? Just like in Split, he does it incredibly, exceptionally well. And, when the end credits roll, and you see the list of the characters he plays in this movie, your mouth falls open in shock and appreciation. Wow.

Finally, you have Bruce Willis character. Simply outstanding as in the movie Unbreakable. He genuinely is convinced by the doctor that he doesn't have super powers, until Jacksons character makes him realise he does. Outstanding.

This is a super hereo story, an action story, a mind bringing story and, even partly a love story between McAvoys character and the character he abducted in the movie Split.

This movie also has a strong meaning, it really does. It teaches us that you don't need to be able to fly to be a super hero, it teaches us that any of us can be super heros, we all have it inside us, we just need to find out what our 'super power' is and bring it out. And when I say super power I don't necessarily mean bending steel with your bare hands, I mean whatever you excel at. You could be extra strong, you could be extra clever, whatever, we all have gifts, whether we know what they are or not. We just need to bring them out.

A mate of mine said he had heard this movie was rubbish, he has definitely heard wrong.

Truly exceptional, absolute must see, and will be one of the top movies of 2019. It's my number one for 2019 at the moment, but obviously there's a long way to go!

Must see movie, another scorcher by Night and the cast. Truly incredible, 5 stars easily awarded. :)

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going thankyou  :)


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