The Front Runner

***Warning, contains spoilers***

Never let it be said that Daniel Howick doesn't see less advertised, less 'big' Hollywood movies. I do, but maybe not as often as some of my friends, e.g Dominic. Today though, I definitely saw a less advertised, less 'big' movie. Well, it may have been big in the states due to its content, but it certainly wasn't advertised over here.

In fact, I only found out about this little known movie through scanning through the film listings for today on the Cineworld app for the different cinemas in my area. After reading who was in it and viewing the trailer on YouTube I knew I really wanted to see it, so much so that I drove all the way to Solihull, which, from where I live in Walsall is quite far, because the movie wasn't on anywhere closer for a daytime performance. I don't do cinema in the evenings, too crowded.

I'm so glad I made the journey though. This movie won't win best movie of 2019, it won't win awards, but it is a very good film.

There are so many reasons to see it. Firstly, it is directed by Jason Reitman, who is an outstanding director, who also directed the excellent movie Whiplash and one of the main actors from that movie is in this film, J.K Simmons, although I feel he is very under used in this movie.

The main reason to see this movie is because the main actor is the truly outstanding Hugh Jackman, who was truly exceptional in his recent movie, The Greatest Showman. In fact, I kept expecting him to burst into song during this movie, lol.

The movie is based on a true story, and, although it is set in the 1980's, the subject matter is massively valid in today's times, and in fact possibly partly explains why Trump got elected.

Jackman plays Gary Hart, former senator of Colorado, who is the front runner for the Democratic nomination for the presidential election.

Unfortunately, Gary has an eye for the ladies, and I must admit I'm amazed the real Gary Hart let this movie be made because it doesn't paint him in a great light, although maybe he's old now so he's not bothered anynore and maybe he wanted this movie released so people can see his prediction at the end of the movie has come true.

Special mention must go to Vera Farmiga, who plays Gary's long suffering wife, incredible acting. In fact, everyone in this movie does their jobs really well.

Firstly, Gary's prediction. Towards the end of this movie he predicts that in years to come the U.S will get the leaders they deserve and he's right. Look at Trump. People like a scandal these days and they also lap up stories that potentially can ruin others lives.

The story of this movie is that Gary has cheated on his wife with another woman, and, apparently it's happened more than once, and the press found out.

This movie though really shows the bad side of the press, there is one guy, from I think the Washington Post, who is trying to show a bit of morals, but the rest of the press are truly disgraceful in this movie. They hide in bushes, they chase after Gary, just to try and get photos of him with this 'other woman'. And you know what, it's so wrong, but the events of this movie were virtually a premonition because these days that sort of thing happens all the time with the modern day tabloids unfortunately. It is us the public's fault too though for consuming this sort of trash. Because that's what it is, trash.

The big question this movie asks is, is what a politician or anybody famous gets up to in their personal life news? Should it be splashed all over the front pages of a tabloid? My answer is no. Unless it's illegal it's their private life. What you do in your own life is your choice and has nothing to do with your day to day job. I don't condone cheating on your partner but it is nothing to do with your day to day job and that is the point that Jackman/Gary makes in this movie.

The thing that blew me away was the statement on the screen at the end of the movie saying that Gary and his wife are still together to this day. Wow. And it just shows that everyone makes mistakes and it need not end a relationship. Also fair play to them both for agreeing for this movie to be made.

This movie will not do well in the UK. People in Britain do not want to watch a movie about American politics in the mid 1980's. That however is a shame as it's a very good film.

My only complaint would be how Jackmans accent keeps changing from Australian to American and how the movie is a bit too long. There are boring scenes that could easily be cut. Plus simmons is under used.

In conclusion, though, this is a very good movie especially due to the moral and media and other questions it asks and id recommend it to anyone who has a passing interest in politics or who simply, like me thinks Hugh Jackman is a great actor.

Well done all, very good movie, 4 stars awarded.

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going thankyou  :)


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