The Mule

***Warning, contains spoilers***

Wow, just wow. Clint Eastwood is 88 years old. 88! He's nearly 90 yet he directs this movie AND is the main actor in it. Simply incredible. I thought this movie would be good before I saw it but after seeing it I am blown away!

Where do I start? Well let's start with the incredible supporting cast. Firstly, the outstanding Bradley Cooper. I've always rated him as an actor, from The A Team to The Hangover to Limitless and more. I didn't see his last movie, A Star Is Born as I don't think that will be my cup of tea, but generally he is pure class.

He doesn't let me down in this movie either. Playing the FBI agent trying to track the drugs mule down he plays a brilliant supporting role, not realising it was Eastwoods character till right near the end (spoiler alert), but who would suspect a near 90 year old man of being a drugs mule?

You also have the awesome Laurence Fishburne, best known for his role in The Matrix movie series and Andy Garcia, who is class in everything he touches. On top of that there are so many top actors such as Michael Pena and more. Too many to name them all. And all of them produce an exceptional performance.

However, the supporting cast are not what the movie is about. The movie lives or dies on Eastwoods directing and performance and he is simply outstanding.

Firstly, he has directed a few films recently, Million Dollar Baby was probably the best one, but, in my opinion he hasn't directed a bad movie. Others will disagree as they will think of The 15:17 To Paris, but I loved that film. I still think to use the actual hero's of the event in the movie was simply genius.

Anyway, we aren't hear to talk about his other movies, we are here to talk about this one. Firstly, you have to remember the guy is 88. 88! Wow. Yet even though he is nearly 90 he is still able to direct AND be the main star in the movie! I mean sure, directors have had small parts in their own movies before, but to be the main star? Wow! I mean how can he do two things at once? How can he direct the filming and shout 'cut' at the same time? Amazing. Especially at age 88.

The story of the movie is brilliant, so credit to the scriptwriters on that one. The story is that Eastwoods character had a business selling flowers, however it got destroyed by the internet sadly. A friend of someone he knows helps set him up with a new money making venture, transporting packages from one city to another. However, what he doesn't realise is these packages contain drugs.

The idea is who would suspect an old man of transporting hard drugs? You just wouldn't. It's very clever when you think about it.

At first it goes really well, so well in fact that Eastwood gets invited to the home of the drug boss for a party and drinks. The party ends with Eastwood sleeping with two incredibly attractive younger ladies. Now see this is a thing as well, the guy is 88 years old yet still manages to sleep with two incredibly attractive women. I mean obviously it's only a movie it's not real, but to be able to film a scene like that at his age? Wow. Eastwood I applaud you!

He is also able to use the money he makes to buy his farm back from the bank that repossessed it, and help his local community. However, all good things must come to an end.

His wife who he is sadly seperated from develops a serious illness, so much so that she is at deaths door. Eastwood has a choice, continue the drugs run he is on or be with his wife. He chooses his wife who sadly dies, which gives a very important lesson, money can't buy you everything.

The movie ends with Eastwoods character being arrested and ending up in jail tending a similar flower patch to that which he tended on the outside. Quite ironic really.

I could carry on as the movie is so good, there are so many lessons in this movie, family comes first, money can't solve all your problems, if you keep committing crimes they will eventually catch up to you. Just brilliant.

The acting, the directing, the supporting cast, the fact he did all this at age 88 is simply incredible.

This could be one of the best movies of 2019 and has a case for being in my top ten movies of all time.

An outstanding movie, well done Eastwood and cast, absolute must see, five stars awarded.

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going thankyou  :)


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