Alita:Battle Angel/Escape Room (Double Review)
***Warning, contains spoilers***
So, today I saw two movies, the first of which, well, wow, just wow.
It's been a long time since I saw a movie that got into my top 3 movies of all time. My top 3 hasn't changed since the awesome James Bond movie Spectre came out. It's been, since then, 1) Skyfall, 2) Titanic, 3) Spectre. I thought the only thing that could ever replace those 3 was a new James Bond movie but then Alita came along and blew me away. It goes right in at number 3 on my all time movies list. I'm gobsmacked I'm saying this but it is that good. Wow. In fact it's not just good, it's exceptional. If there were 7 stars it would get them.
So, why is it so good. Well, where do I start? I think the main reason it's so good is James Cameron. He originally planned to be the director of this movie but as he has the Avatar sequel project on the go he became the producer. However, by all accounts he has been planning this movie for a decade and it has his hallmarks all over it.
In fact, I almost feel like Cameron was the director of this movie. I read an interview today with the actual director, Robert Rodriguez who said that Cameron sent him over all his notes and how he wanted the movie made from his decade of work preparing for this movie. So that says it all. Cameron was a legend for Titanic and he's a legend for Alita.
This movie actually stars one of the actors from Spectre, the outstanding Christoph Waltz and again he plays an excellent supporting role. There is also a cameo from Edward Norton and a small supporting role from Jennifer Connelly. Also look out for a great performance from British actor Ed Skrein.
But you know what, it isn't them that makes the movie that good, it's Alita. I find it hard to say how in depth her character is, she's part human, part cyborg and the stunts she does, wow.
What makes the movie into my top three movies of all time is partly the above but really it's the technology used to make this movie. And awards, many many awards need to go to the special effects team or whoever it was that designed this film because it just took my breath away. It was literally mind blowing.
If ever there was a movie you needed to see in IMAX 3D on as large a screen as possible this it. You MUST see this movie in IMAX if you can, seriously. It's needed to capture the incredible features of this film. I've seen good 3D movies before but nothing like this.
I actually didn't know the technology existed to make a movie like this. I think the fact that it's been developed over such a long time is why it is so good.
I have never seen a movie with computer generated characters inter mingled with real life characters to such a degree that you can't tell they aren't real. Alita, especially. I'm not sure even now how much of her is real and how much is computer generated. Credit to Rosa Salazar who plays her as she's deserves an Oscar for her performance.
She interacts with and plays with the human characters and you cannot tell if she is actually really there or not. Is her whole character computer generated? Is the lead actress just lending her voice to a computer generated character? We just don't know. Astonishing.
And it's not just her, it's every computer generated character in this movie. Take Skreins character. He is basically a human head on a robot skeleton yet again interacts with the real life characters and you cannot tell where the real human ends and the computer generated bit begins.
Even the entire world the movie is set in, you cannot tell what is real and what is CGI. I genuinely didn't think this was possible. I have seen many CGI movies such as Transformers, And none of them, absolutely none of them, look like this. Prepare to be blown away. The time will just fly by and leave you wanting more. In fact, that is my only criticism, that it isn't long enough and that the ending is clearly a to be continued. But you can't have everything and that doesn't detract the movie from being the astonishing movie that it is.
I still can't believe you can have CGI that good. How naturally Alita interacted with everyone and the same with the other part CGI characters. I think the trick was to give the CGI a human element. But I have seen other part human, part CGI combination movies and they don't look like this. Wow.
This movie doesn't just open new frontiers, it smashes through them. Never has there been a movie like this before, it will take your breath away. Truly beautiful and incredible.
It's an absolute must see and please, please see it in IMAX 3D if you can but just see it. You will be blown away. Cameron, I thought you couldn't make a movie to rival your greatest hit Titanic, but you really have. Mesmerising. Absolute must see, 5 stars easily awarded.
Right, after I've caught my breath with one of the greatest movies of all time, onto a top class but not greatest movie of all time! Escape Room is directed by the master director of horror type movies, Adam Robitel. He has directed many great horror movies but this movie isn't straight horror, it's horror, suspense and a thriller all rolled into one.
I think what is different about this movie is that it doesn't star well known actors, just like the lead actress in Alita, but that doesn't matter, they still produce an excellent performance.
I'm sure many of us love puzzles, and like watching programmes such as The Crystal Maze, where you have to escape a room in a certain amount of time by solving clues. You may have even participated in games where this happens yourself.
This is where the story gets twisted. Imagine if you were sent a letter inviting you to join in a game of escape room where the winner gets $10,000. Exciting right? It would tempt anybody. Now imagine if the rooms were designed whereby if you don't escape in a certain amount of time you are killed. Not so exciting!
The storyline of this movie would make anyone want to watch it, especially anyone into either puzzles, suspense or horror. It doesn't dissapoint. The excitment and nerves as you watch and hope they can solve the puzzles in time before something dreadful happens keeps you glued to the screen.
You have little twists as well, such as when they suspect each other or when the lead actress survives after you think she is dead (spoiler alert), clearly setting up a sequel.
There is a serious point to this movie too, the fact that there are some sadistic rich men who will pay to watch people be tortured and suffer and die. I hope this doesn't happen in real life, but I have a horrible feeling if may do. I hope not anyway. The idea is disturbing but they do say money can buy anything. What a horrible thought!
This movie will keep you glued to the screen all the way through, wondering what will happen next. It will keep you in suspense all the way through with it's twists and turns.
There isn't much more to say on this one though, except it's a brilliant twisted movie, full of horror and suspense plus puzzlement as well. If you like either thrillers, horrors, suspense movies or puzzles/riddles you will like this. It's a great movie.
In conclusion, great movie, keeps you glued to the screen throughout, brilliantly twisted, highly recommended, 5 stars awarded.
*These reviews are all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going thankyou :)
So, today I saw two movies, the first of which, well, wow, just wow.
It's been a long time since I saw a movie that got into my top 3 movies of all time. My top 3 hasn't changed since the awesome James Bond movie Spectre came out. It's been, since then, 1) Skyfall, 2) Titanic, 3) Spectre. I thought the only thing that could ever replace those 3 was a new James Bond movie but then Alita came along and blew me away. It goes right in at number 3 on my all time movies list. I'm gobsmacked I'm saying this but it is that good. Wow. In fact it's not just good, it's exceptional. If there were 7 stars it would get them.
So, why is it so good. Well, where do I start? I think the main reason it's so good is James Cameron. He originally planned to be the director of this movie but as he has the Avatar sequel project on the go he became the producer. However, by all accounts he has been planning this movie for a decade and it has his hallmarks all over it.
In fact, I almost feel like Cameron was the director of this movie. I read an interview today with the actual director, Robert Rodriguez who said that Cameron sent him over all his notes and how he wanted the movie made from his decade of work preparing for this movie. So that says it all. Cameron was a legend for Titanic and he's a legend for Alita.
This movie actually stars one of the actors from Spectre, the outstanding Christoph Waltz and again he plays an excellent supporting role. There is also a cameo from Edward Norton and a small supporting role from Jennifer Connelly. Also look out for a great performance from British actor Ed Skrein.
But you know what, it isn't them that makes the movie that good, it's Alita. I find it hard to say how in depth her character is, she's part human, part cyborg and the stunts she does, wow.
What makes the movie into my top three movies of all time is partly the above but really it's the technology used to make this movie. And awards, many many awards need to go to the special effects team or whoever it was that designed this film because it just took my breath away. It was literally mind blowing.
If ever there was a movie you needed to see in IMAX 3D on as large a screen as possible this it. You MUST see this movie in IMAX if you can, seriously. It's needed to capture the incredible features of this film. I've seen good 3D movies before but nothing like this.
I actually didn't know the technology existed to make a movie like this. I think the fact that it's been developed over such a long time is why it is so good.
I have never seen a movie with computer generated characters inter mingled with real life characters to such a degree that you can't tell they aren't real. Alita, especially. I'm not sure even now how much of her is real and how much is computer generated. Credit to Rosa Salazar who plays her as she's deserves an Oscar for her performance.
She interacts with and plays with the human characters and you cannot tell if she is actually really there or not. Is her whole character computer generated? Is the lead actress just lending her voice to a computer generated character? We just don't know. Astonishing.
And it's not just her, it's every computer generated character in this movie. Take Skreins character. He is basically a human head on a robot skeleton yet again interacts with the real life characters and you cannot tell where the real human ends and the computer generated bit begins.
Even the entire world the movie is set in, you cannot tell what is real and what is CGI. I genuinely didn't think this was possible. I have seen many CGI movies such as Transformers, And none of them, absolutely none of them, look like this. Prepare to be blown away. The time will just fly by and leave you wanting more. In fact, that is my only criticism, that it isn't long enough and that the ending is clearly a to be continued. But you can't have everything and that doesn't detract the movie from being the astonishing movie that it is.
I still can't believe you can have CGI that good. How naturally Alita interacted with everyone and the same with the other part CGI characters. I think the trick was to give the CGI a human element. But I have seen other part human, part CGI combination movies and they don't look like this. Wow.
This movie doesn't just open new frontiers, it smashes through them. Never has there been a movie like this before, it will take your breath away. Truly beautiful and incredible.
It's an absolute must see and please, please see it in IMAX 3D if you can but just see it. You will be blown away. Cameron, I thought you couldn't make a movie to rival your greatest hit Titanic, but you really have. Mesmerising. Absolute must see, 5 stars easily awarded.
Right, after I've caught my breath with one of the greatest movies of all time, onto a top class but not greatest movie of all time! Escape Room is directed by the master director of horror type movies, Adam Robitel. He has directed many great horror movies but this movie isn't straight horror, it's horror, suspense and a thriller all rolled into one.
I think what is different about this movie is that it doesn't star well known actors, just like the lead actress in Alita, but that doesn't matter, they still produce an excellent performance.
I'm sure many of us love puzzles, and like watching programmes such as The Crystal Maze, where you have to escape a room in a certain amount of time by solving clues. You may have even participated in games where this happens yourself.
This is where the story gets twisted. Imagine if you were sent a letter inviting you to join in a game of escape room where the winner gets $10,000. Exciting right? It would tempt anybody. Now imagine if the rooms were designed whereby if you don't escape in a certain amount of time you are killed. Not so exciting!
The storyline of this movie would make anyone want to watch it, especially anyone into either puzzles, suspense or horror. It doesn't dissapoint. The excitment and nerves as you watch and hope they can solve the puzzles in time before something dreadful happens keeps you glued to the screen.
You have little twists as well, such as when they suspect each other or when the lead actress survives after you think she is dead (spoiler alert), clearly setting up a sequel.
There is a serious point to this movie too, the fact that there are some sadistic rich men who will pay to watch people be tortured and suffer and die. I hope this doesn't happen in real life, but I have a horrible feeling if may do. I hope not anyway. The idea is disturbing but they do say money can buy anything. What a horrible thought!
This movie will keep you glued to the screen all the way through, wondering what will happen next. It will keep you in suspense all the way through with it's twists and turns.
There isn't much more to say on this one though, except it's a brilliant twisted movie, full of horror and suspense plus puzzlement as well. If you like either thrillers, horrors, suspense movies or puzzles/riddles you will like this. It's a great movie.
In conclusion, great movie, keeps you glued to the screen throughout, brilliantly twisted, highly recommended, 5 stars awarded.
*These reviews are all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going thankyou :)
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