Happy Death Day 2U

***Contains spoilers***

I really enjoyed the first Happy Death Day movie, it was one of the first movies I reviewed. It was pure horror mixed with comedy, a great mix. Looking back, I was dissapointed with my review as it was very short and not detailed enough, but hey, you learn from your mistakes.

Whilst Happy Death Day was a good four star generic horror movie, it wasn't amazing. Very similar to Groundhog Day, just a typical repeat of the same day with different consequences, just with the added twist that the lead character gets killed again and again until she finds, and kills, her killer.

This sequel however is very different. In fact, at the start of the movie you don't think the lead actress is going to be the lead in this movie, however the twist is that she is.

It starts off in a similar vein to the first movie, except Phi Vu, a side actor in the first movie, gets killed by the masked killer. He then wakes up in his car and the day begins again.

The second day, he explains his fears to the lead actress, played by Jessica Rothe, and she helps him capture the killer, who bizzarely turns out to be himself. Yes, you heard that right. The killer was him! That is when the movie completely changes and goes from being a standard generic horror movie like the first film, into an epic scientific debate and also very thought provoking at that.

It turns out that the reason Tree (the lead actress character name) was stuck in a loop in the first movie is because of a science experiment that Phi Vu and his friends were working on. It is a machine that can alter time and stick people in the same day over and again, it can also move people from one reality to the next.

This is where you open up the scientific debate. Is there more than one universe out there? Are there multiple realities of which we are living just one? For example, is the Daniel Howick (me) in another reality the Prime Minister but in another reality a single dad with 4 kids? Are people alive in one reality that aren't in another?

This is something that has been discussed in many t.v. shows and movies. Two tv shows that I can instantly think of are Star Trek Discovery, where in season One they went into an alternate reality where their captain was still alive, and Family Guy in the Multiverse episode where Brian and Stewie went into lots of different realities.

In terms of whether people are alive in one reality but not in another, when the machine is set off and Tree wakes up to live her day again from the first movie, she discovers her mum is alive and meets up with her. But she's only alive in this reality. Also the killer isn't after her, in a shocking twist (spoiler alert), the killer is after her ex friend who turned out to be the killer in the first movie when she poisoned Tree with a cupcake! How twisted is that?!

The problem is that the new killer is trying to kill her friends so does she let her friends die and live in a reality where her mum is still alive but she has blood on her hands? Or, does she try to get back to her own reality but her mum wouldn't be there? So moving and such a scientific, moral and ethical dilemma.

It's rare that a sequel is better than the original, but Happy Death Day 2U is miles better than the original. It's not just a horror movie, it's not just a comedy, it's a scientific debate, it's an ethical debate, it's just brilliant. And for one movie to ask so many questions as it does is simply outstanding and well done to the director and the writers for that.

I personally do think there could be alternate realities out there, say in your life you decided something, like when I decided to move from London to the West Midlands, I reckon in another reality there could be a Daniel out there that chose not to do that. How different would his life have been if he had made that other choice?

So much to discuss, debate and talk about all because of this brilliant thought provoking movie.

You must stay till after the first part of the closing credits as there is a fairly long scene you need to watch because it sets up what I think will be a third movie where this time instead of the events just affecting Tree and her friends, it could affect the whole world. I can't wait to watch that if it happens!

Anyway, I'm sure you can see by my review that for all the reasons I've outlined above I found this an outstanding must watch movie. I'm giving it 5 stars, not film of the year but definitely a must watch. Well done all. Enjoy! :)

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going thankyou. :)


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