Captain Marvel

***Warning, contains spoilers***

People that know me and regular readers of this blog will know I'm a massive fan of super hero movies. I love both D.C. & Marvel movies, but especially Marvel movies. I've always found Marvel movies have more of a story, the characters are far better and each movie links into another one. Very impressive.

It was, therefore, with great excitement that I went to see the latest Marvel offering, Captain Marvel and I wasn't dissapointed. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't the best Marvel movie ever, but that bar is set so high it will be difficult for future Marvel movies to touch it. It is a very very good movie.

From Black Panther to the new Spiderman to Deadpool and beyond, Marvel clearly have a plan to introduce new Super hereos into the Marvel universe. I personally have a feeling that they are doing this to replace some of our long standing favourites, hence the title of the next Avengers Movie, End game. To me it's a bit of coincidence that the vast majority of the characters left after Infinity War were the older characters such as Captain America and Iron Man. I hope I'm wrong on both but we will see. I have a feeling I'm not sadly, especially as Iron Man is my favourite Marvel character.

This movie links into the next Avengers Movie and you really must stay right to the end as there is a mid credits scene and an end credits scene, both of which look like they link to the forthcoming film. Everyone should know this by now, but don't leave till the end of the credits during super hero movies!

Captain Marvel is a very similar character to Wonder Woman, and I must say the abuse from the public in reviews on rotten tomatoes from people who haven't even seen the movie just because she's a woman is disgraceful. Why does it matter a jot whether the super hero is male or female? Awful.

There are a lot of great supporting roles in this movie. Jude Law plays a great character who starts off good but then what a twist later on in this film! There are so many great actors in this movie that I just can't mention them all. What I will mention is according to rotten tomatoes the movie has two directors, a man and a woman, which I can't remember seeing many films with two directors so that's cool.

Let's focus on the two main actors. Firstly the always awesome Samuel L Jackson who plays Fury. As always he gives another masterful performance and, remembering this movie is set years ago he really manages to pull off looking a lot younger than he actually is!

Onto the person this movie is all about, Brie Larson, who plays Captain Marvel. She does the role brilliantly, the stunts she performs are outstanding, she looks amazing in her outfit and her acting is incredibly believable. She is going to be a brilliant addition to the Marvel family she really is. It's amazing how similar in style she is to Wonder Woman from D.C but I think it's time we have more female super heroes.

I love so much about this movie. The fact there is a brilliant tribute to Stan Lee at the start (RIP) and he has a cameo in this movie! (Spoiler alert). Another thing that makes this movie so great is there are so many light hearted scenes, the recurring joke through the movie where they keep saying Mar-Vell for Marvel is just hilarious!

The movie has it's serious side, which all revolves around the big twist in the middle of the movie which is a great lesson to not always judge a book by its cover. It really is a great story and a fun movie. I have to say as well as linking into the next Avengers Movie it also sets itself up clearly for a follow up Captain Marvel movie which will probably be set before the next Avengers Movie in the Marvel time line but obviously after this movie.

The fight scenes in this movie are simply epic, the fighting on top of the train scenes are especially outstanding. There are large parts of the movie where you can't take your eyes off the screen and that always tells you how great a movie was. Obviously from my point of view it helps that Larson is incredibly attractive, lol, but that's just on top of the fact that she really is an outstanding actress and brings so much to this role and the Marvel universe in general.

I must also make a quick mention of the cat in this movie, absolutely hilarious and when you see what it can do you will burst out laughing! Brilliant lol.

This really is easily a 5 star movie, as most Marvel movies tend to be. So, well done all, a must see for all super hero movie fans, and see it soon, before the next Avengers Movie comes out as this movie (via the credit scenes) links into that one. Well done, 5 stars easily awarded.

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going thankyou :)


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