
***Warning, may contain spoilers***

I couldn't wait to see this movie. The trailers looked incredible and I loved the last movie from what is an outstanding director in Jordan Peele, namely the movie Get Out, which was disturbing, dark humour and horror all in one and also even a bit of a thriller too. If I had been reviewing movies then it would have easily got 5 stars and that would have been well deserved. Peele has carved out a niche as an outstanding horror movie director with a touch of humour and a twist too. Outstanding. Think of him as M. Night Shalayman but better.

So, obviously based on the above and the terrifying looking trailers I eagerly anticipated this film. And the good news is I wasn't dissapointed. I won't mention actors names as this movie doesn't star actors you will have heard of, but you will have after this movie, Peele has made them all stars. For one person to write, direct and produce a movie is simply incredible.

This movie is a lesson in the fact that you don't need star names to make a great movie because the skill of the actors involved to act as both themselves and their doppelgangers is simply incredible. Plus, how on earth did they manage to edit the movie to have both the actors and their doppelgangers together in the same scenes, and even fighting each other and killing each other? Unbelievable. And it looks realistic too, you simply don't know how they did it, short of using identical twins, which they didn't do, I just don't know how they managed to make it look so real like the actors and their doppelgangers were in the same room at the same time! And, to have the skill to act as both people means the actors in this movie are incredibly talented and deserve Oscars or other awards for their performances. Simply amazing.

So, what is the movie about? Well, back in the 80s when she was a little girl the lead actress walked into a house of mirrors on a beach and saw someone who looked exactly like herself. It wasn't a reflection either, it was real. It turns out that living beneath the USA in abandoned sewers are doppelgangers of every American citizen. This is where the spoilers kick in so don't read on if you don't want to know what happens! Why are the doppelgangers there? Well, at first you think they are demons or evil creatures etc, but the first of the two big twists are that they are all an abandoned government experiment to use the doppelgangers to control the population, like puppets. The doppelgangers are 'tethered' to their above the ground counterparts so whatever the above ground humans do, the doppelgangers copy.

However, the experiment was abandoned and the doppelgangers were just left there. The problem with that is, that led by the doppelganger of the lead actress, they gained some sort of rudimentary intelligence and instead of just copying what the above ground people did they started planning their escape and revenge for what had happened to them. Disturbing or what???

So, years later The lead actress comes back to the beach and funfair she went to as a child but this time with her family as she had since got a partner and kids.

You can guess what happens, the doppelgangers come out of the sewer to attack the family, as they know if they kill their counterparts they will be free, they will be untethered, free to live their own life above ground that was denied to them.

It gets worse, the doppelgangers of every citizen in the area come out and there are many deaths. It's a disturbing thought there could be an anti you, an evil twisted copy of you living below the ground isn't it? I've always believed there are other universes with other Daniels (me) living completely different life because they chose a different route to me but to think they are all here, in the same universe is very disturbing.

The music is brilliant in this movie too, dark and foreboding but riveting to listen too. The movie is simply riveting and you won't want to take your eyes off the screen as you watch all the disturbing, dark but slightly humorous events evolve. Don't get me wrong it's not a terrifying horror movie, but it's disturbing enough it really is! The humour does help though to lighten the mood.

I mention that there were 2 twists and there were, the second twist is right at the end and involves the lead actress and it's a massive shock, but I won't tell you what it is as it would spoil the entire movie for you but it's a huge shock and cleverly done so again kudos to Peele for writing such an amazing story and being a genius at directing it too.

You can probably guess where I'm going with this review, to a 5 star movie simple as that. It's not the best movie of the year, simply because I'm not sure how anything is going to beat Alita: Battle Angel, but it is outstanding. An absolute must see for horror movie fans, or even fans of dark humour or disturbing thrillers.

A must see movie, 5 stars awarded, well done all. Peele I can't wait for the next movie you direct! :)

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going thankyou. :)


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