Avengers: Endgame

***Warning, contains huge spoilers!***

It is well known to regular readers of my movie blog that I love Super Hero movies, especially Marvel movies. Regular readers of my blog will also know that I loved the last Avengers movie, Infinity War, but I was also very upset with the sad ending. The way they killed off so many characters and half of everyone in the universe was devastating.

Bearing that in mind, I simply couldn't wait for the sequel to that movie. Almost every Marvel movie since Infinity War has been 'origin' movies as Marvel introduce new characters into the Marvel universe and after this movie, Avengers: Endgame we know why.

It has been a long year of waiting, a long year of hoping against hope that the events of Infinity War weren't going to be permanent. Fortunately we now have the answer.

Now the rest of my review contains huge spoilers so, as I state at the top of my review, don't read it if you don't want to know what happens!

Firstly, this movie goes straight in at number two on my all time favourite movie list. It's a very competitive top 4 that I have and, I thought Titanic (a former number one) would be at number two for years, probably decades to come. But, this movie is that good that it deserves it's number two of all time slot, and it wasn't far off number one. For the record my top 5 is: 1. Skyfall, 2. Avengers: Endgame, 3. Titanic, 4. Spectre, 5. Alita: Battle Angel.

We are blessed this year that so far we have two movies in my all time top 5 and I will be very surprised, although you never know, if any other movie this year comes above Avengers: Endgame and Alita: Battle Angel as the best two movies of 2019.

Right, you've had your warning, onto the spoilers. As I said Endgame was close to being number one on my all time list, however there are two reasons why it isn't. Funnily enough the big reason is also the reason it is in my top ten list. What the writers decided to do to Tony Starks/Iron Mans character in this movie makes it an incredible story but conversely will really upset a lot of people, me included.

Sadly (spoiler alert), they kill off Iron Man! Now the reason it also is a happy moment is what Tony does by getting the infinity gauntlet off Thanos also saves the world but in doing so, it kills him.

I was completely shocked by this, and desperately upset about it too. I literally had my hand over my mouth in shock, I heard people in the cinema (which by the way was packed at 9am in the morning which shows the power of Marvel) sobbing as he died. That is one reason why I can't put it at number one, Iron Man is by far my favourite Marvel character. I have loved watching Robert Downey Jr performance as him for a long time and it is such a shame to see my favourite Marvel character go. I was so upset.

That's one reason I can't put it at number one in my all time list, the other is because there isn't an end and mid credits scene. 'Why does that matter?' I hear you ask. Well, every Marvel movie has an end and mid credits scene, it's just standard for Marvel and for the audience to sit there waiting only to find out there wasn't an end credits scene is annoying and dissapointing.

However, they are the only two negatives I can find in the entire movie, plus one of those negatives is also a positive so they can't be doing too badly!

There are many many positives in this film, it is simply epic it really is. You know a long film is good when a movie that is just over 3 hours long feels like it's only an hour and a half. Yes, it really does go past that fast.

The first positive is that Tony Starks character saves the entire universe and yes, it kills him and that is so upsetting, but he dies a complete hero and for that you can only stand and applaud the legend that is Iron Man, RIP.

On top of that you have the special and incredible way during this movie that the Avengers go back into the past to locate the Infinity stones before Thanos gets his hands on them. When they go back in the past they land in former Avengers movies, the way they seamlessly merge the Avengers now to their former battles is simply incredible. Did they refilm the scenes? Did they just use old footage from previous Avengers movies and just CGI the new Avengers in? It's done so well you just can't tell.

A great example of this is Captain America fighting against himself. Captain America is one character I expected them to kill off in this movie, but instead he went back into the past to live with the love of his life he thought he had lost. What a lovely ending for a great character.

Sadly Black Widow dies in this movie too, in an epic and emotional scene but again she does so in helping save the universe.

The battle scene towards the end once all the characters we know and love are bought back to life is the highlight of this movie though. Absolutely epic, and I'm so glad it ended with Thanos finally being defeated. During this movie in every scene Thanos was in I was thinking I hope you lose you evil psycho and I'm so glad he eventually did.

This movie is simply epic, the battles, the way we realise these characters are much more than just super heroes, they have their own lives outside the super hero role. It just ticks every box and the Iron Man ending is sad but also joyous as well, a perfect mix. I just wish maybe one of the other characters could have died and Tony could have just lived out his life in retirement with his partner. Sadly, that wasn't to be.

So, you can see how Tony saving the universe is a huge draw and makes it an incredible movie but at the same time is devastating for Iron Man fans.

This is simply an epic movie and an absolute must see, it's moving, emotional and just incredible. You won't be able to take your eyes off the screen.

Absolute must see, absolutely epic and an outstanding addition to my all time top five at number two. Simply outstanding, five stars easily awarded, just go and see it! And Thanos is gone and the universe is saved! Yes! :)

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going thankyou. :)


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