
***Warning, contains spoilers***

I don't usually post reviews of movies that have been out a long time, but occasionally I'll make an exception, and today is one of those times.

For ages I've seen the movie Eloise pop up on my Amazon Prime recommended movies to watch and today I decided to give it a go. So, if you haven't watched it already you know where to watch it for free, if you're an Amazon Prime customer.

There is only one really well known actor in Eloise, and he isn't in it much, although the part he plays is incredibly disturbing and that is Robert Patrick, who to me will always be known as Agent Dogett from The X Files. Believe you me though, the role he plays in this is nothing like that one!

On top of that there is also one of the smaller part actors from The Wolf of Wall Street and the other actors I didn't know but you may know if you have seen them before but I'll leave that to you the viewer on that one!

This movie is incredibly disturbing, and even more so because it is based on the real life Eloise former insane asylum and was even filmed there. What disturbs me more though is the fact that since it closed, the buildings have been turned into condominiums and other things. Now, I'm sorry, but seriously? Who on earth would risk living in a building that used to be an insane asylum? I mean there have been how many horror series and movies based on those places and I'm sure some of them must be haunted by scary individuals! You're braver than me if you would live in a former one.

However, on the other side I am so glad individuals that need treatment are not treated like they were in those days. The hauntings I'm talking about are usually people that were miss treated in places like that and ended up dead. Horrible.

So what makes Eloise more disturbing is the fact that it is based on a real place and filmed in that place.

Right, onto the storyline. The story is the lead actor is estranged from his Dad until he gets a call from his Dad's solicitor advising that his Dad had passed away and he needed to discuss his affairs with him.

When he gets there it turns out that his Dad has left him over 1 million dollars in his will, but there is a catch. To get the money he has to prove that he is the last surviving relative and the only way he can do that is by going to the administration building of the former insane asylum Eloise where his relative was a patient and get the death certificate.

Trouble is he discovers the death certificate is locked away in a building called the annex and to get the death certificate it will need a court order which will take a very long time.

He doesn't want to wait for the money so he enlists his friend and a guy he finds on the internet that knows everything about the asylum and his sister to break into the place and find the death certificate.

Unfortunately as you can guess, when they get there things go very wrong. (Spoiler alert) The past leaks into the present or should I say the four of them end up being transported back to the past when Eloise was run by an evil horrible doctor played by Robert Patrick and one by one they are all captured and subjected to their worst fears and eventually killed.

Imagine being given a lobotomy against your will, imagine being trapped in a coffin, alive, until you die, drowning, being given multiple injections, it's just sickening, twisted, horrible and disturbing and at times so gruesome it's hard to watch.

However, watch you must as, as well as being a terrifying horror movie it's also a frank look into the horrible places some of these asylums were and the evil and cruel methods some of the doctors used on their patients. Horrible.

I won't write much more as the movie was so disturbing I just want to forget it, but I don't mean forget it because it was rubbish, as it really wasn't. It was an outstanding movie and any horror movie that can disturb you this much has done it's job.

In summary, a disturbingly outstanding horror movie, a much watch for fans of the genre. 5 stars awarded. :)

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going thankyou  :)


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