John Wick 3

***Contains spoilers***

I love the John Wick series. Originally John Wick was just a one off movie, but then John Wick 2 followed, and now we have the third one in the series. I know the full title of the third movie is longer than the above but it's easier just to say John Wick 3.

One of the biggest reasons I especially love the John Wick series, on top of all the action etc, is the name Wick. That's part of my surname which makes the movie feel more relevant to me, and makes me want to watch it even more!

When the second Wick movie ended it was on a bit of a cliffhanger in all honesty. As followers of the movie series will know, Ian McShanes character is the manager of the Continental hotel in New York, one of many around the world that, whilst a criminal or other is staying there they cannot be harmed. It is sacred ground.

Unfortunately due to valid personal reasons at the end of the second movie Wick shot and killed a villan on the grounds of the hotel, thus making him ex communicado and with a hefty contract on his head for his body. The second movie ended with him running for his life.

Now, with an ending like that I couldn't wait for the third part, and I wasn't dissapointed. The movie revolves around 3 main actors, namely Keanu Reeves (as Wick), Laurence Fishburne (who Reeves acted along side in The Matrix), and of course the legendary Ian McShane in another amazing role on top of his role in the tv series American Gods and the recent movie Hellboy. The movie is all about these 3 plus a woman called The Adjudicator who is sent to help clean up and fix the mess that Wick created.

Firstly, (spoiler alert), she punishes Fishburne with 7 slashes of a blade as punishment for helping Wick, then she makes The Continental hotel undesecrated which means 'business' (killings really) can be conducted on hotel premises.

For most of the movie it is just continuous awesome action as Wick calls in favours he's owed to try and survive. How on earth he avoids being killed I don't know.

The action is epic, the movie runs at 100 mph and never stops until the end, it is simply awesome, a must watch for fans of thriller/action movies.

For the first two movies and most of this one, Ian McShane has been a good guy on Wicks side trying to help him as much as possible. In fact, towards the end of the movie, when the action moves to the Continental hotel Wick and one of the staff in the hotel try everything to protect the hotel and McShane.

Wick succeeds to such a point that the adjudicator agrees a parley to sort everything out.

This is where (spoiler alert) it gets concerning. Firstly, I always thought the John Wick series would be a trilogy yet clearly there will be a fourth movie after the events at the end of this one. That's fine, I just wasn't expecting it.

This is a 5 star movie, the action is epic, it is awesome to watch and it got close to my top ten of all time. Sadly, at the end it fell away for one huge reason.

Ian McShanes character is a nice guy, he helps Wick, yet, at the end just so he can keep his job without a moment's hesitation he shoots Wick who falls to the ground on the street below. I can't agree with this twist I really can't. McShanes character is too nice for that and the he always plays nice guys with a slightly dark side, but never to that extreme. Fortunately Wick is still alive and clearly by the ending Fishburne will feature more in John Wick 4, but that still doesn't excuse Ian McShanes character shooting Wick after all the times he's helped him. It doesn't make sense to me.

My only hope is that McShane shot Wick in areas he knew wouldn't kill him to get his job back but also to spare Wicks life. I hope so, I really do. Ian McShanes character shouldn't be a double crossing bad guy.

In conclusion this is an awesome action/thriller movie and a must see, especially for fans of the John Wick series. But, watch the first two before you watch this one. Awesome movie, slight shame about the ending but 5 stars easily awarded. Well done all. :)

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going thankyou. :)


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