Rim Of The World

***Warning, contains spoilers***

As my regular blog readers will know, when I hear the words 'straight to Netflix movie' I get concerned. Firstly, because as it is straight to Netflix I worry it won't be very good as has often happened in the past, and secondly the fact that Netflix is making more and more movies that are missing the cinema and going straight to streaming and Amazon Prime is doing the same I worry that the death bell is starting to toll for the Cinema. I hope not but the thought is there in the back of my mind.

The reason the thought is there, is that on average straight to Netflix or Amazon Prime movies are getting better. A lot better. And they are having more well known actors in them like the recent movie I reviewed starring Ben Affleck.

However like Ben Afflecks recent movie having famous people in them doesn't guarantee success as that movie was awful. Now, Rim Of The World doesn't have any well known famous actors excluding a short appearance from Annabeth Gish, better known as Monica Reyes on The X Files. Funnily enough both movies I have reviewed today have former X Files actors in them!

This movie has four kids in it and those kids apart from small parts of the movie are the main characters and, during a large part of the movie they are the only ones in the scenes, well them and some awesome CGI aliens who look incredibly realistic, so well done the special effects team on this movie as you did an amazing job!

I also am amazed at the huge genre change approximately 30 minutes into the movie. It starts off as a comedy 80s/90s style camping movie with so many hilarious and brilliant jokes lol, but then it changes completely into a massive Sci-Fi aliens attack type movie, what a change and credit to the scriptwriters and director for that!

This movie is the child version of Independence Day. In fact Independence Day is referred to during this movie so you can see where they got their ideas from! Now, when I say child I don't mean young children as they might be a bit scared by the alien creatures, I mean roughly say 10 and up and you should be fine, but watch it with your children just in case.

The movie is very clever, it knows it's audience and by that I mean for example (spoiler alert) when they show scenes of the alien creatures eating their human kill you see the alien bow it's head down to eat but you don't see the actual eating or blood and gore, so the film makers are well aware that this movie needs to appeal to a wide audience, and fair play to them for that.

However, this movie is NOT just a kids film. It is for all ages, older viewers like myself will love the action, the vehicles blowing up, the battles with the alien creatures. All of that is truly epic and awesome!

The storyline is that the four kids in this movie are sent to a summer camp called Rim Of The World for different reasons, well when I say four kids, one of the kids wasn't, he it turns out had escaped from juvenile hall but the point is all four of them were there.

Aliens attack the Earth whilst the kids are out in the woods and when they come back to the camp it's deserted, they've been abandoned as the rest of the campers try to escape the aliens.

A space pod crash lands and out of it comes a female astronaut who, just before she gets eaten by an alien creature, gives the kids a key that they need to get to a building that houses a weapon the U.S military can use to destroy the alien mothership.

What follows is simply epic. For the whole rest of the movie they are tracked by a huge undestroyable alien creature, which makes life very tough, and they go through so many adventures consisting of other aliens, the army, a career criminal, the list goes on and on.

Now, what you have to remember is that these kids are around 13 years of age and for them to do what they do in this movie, something an adult would find it hard to do, is just incredible and praise needs to go to them for that. You may not know these actors yet, but you will after this movie!

The big question is so they save the Earth? Well, you all know by now I post spoilers but I give fair warning so I'll just say for once it's nice to have a happy ending. Take that as you wish! ;-)

This movie is so far my third favourite movie of 2019 after Avengers: Endgame and Alita: Battle Angel. I'd put John Wick 3 fourth so far. Now that will probably change by the end of the year but it shows how good this movie is, and you can all watch it in the comfort of your own homes, via Netflix!

In conclusion this is an outstanding action/ Sci-Fi/ Adventure type movie and I highly recommend it. I'd put it as a must see for adults and kids of say ten and up! Very well done all, these kids will be future film stars, epic movie, 5 stars easily awarded. :)

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going thankyou  :)


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