Godzilla: King Of The Monsters
***May contain spoilers***
I was really looking forward to seeing this movie. The first Godzilla movie was good, the movie that followed that movie Kong: Skull Island was brilliant! Exciting scenes as the planes fought Kong, the epic journey across the island, the vow to leave it as it is as Kong is the ruler of the island was all brilliant. King Kong shows us how a disaster type movie should be.
This new Godzilla movie links into that movie slightly but more so continues from the first Godzilla movie.
The trailers for this movie were epic, the fight scenes between Godzilla and the other monsters looked brilliant and, as you would expect on a movie like this, the CGI looked amazing, and it was!
However I did have a concern with the critic reviews, they were poor which I thought surprising for an epic disaster movie, on the other side the public reviews were awesome so I thought this must be good.
How wrong I was! It's rare that I start to nod off during a movie, and in fairness the fact that the heating seemed to be on in the cinema didn't help, there was certainly no air conditioning on as you would expect, but that wasn't the main reason I was nodding off, it was the movie itself!
Firstly, the good bits of the movie, and the reason it gets some credit, the CGI. The CGI or in laymans terms special effects, in this movie are epic. The fight scenes between the monsters are awesome but that's it. That's literally the only thing good about this movie, sadly.
In terms of the negatives where do I start? Well, the storyline was a complete joke, it just skipped from scene to scene with often no cohesion or explanation between scenes. It was very confusing and very hard to follow.
The interaction between the characters was minimal, except to say 'another creature has been released' or generic things like that. It was like the actors had been given very generic lines to say just to waste time until the next time we see one of the giant creatures on the screen.
Also, although as I said the CGI was great, it was often very hard to tell what creature was winning due to the very random camera shots, for which I'm guessing the blame lies with the director maybe? One minute you see the creatures fighting at quite a long distance away, the next minute extreme close ups of the creatures heads, it was all incredibly hard to follow.
In terms of why it was also boring, and why I was nodding off, well the scenes in between the creature fighting scenes were just dull, and it really was hard to stay awake!
This movie unfortunately really is a lesson in how not to do a disaster movie. Boring dialogue, just used as filler to get to the next creature fighting scene, terrible camera work during the fighting scenes, with only great CGI to redeem it. It's like the makers of this movie basically said let's just fill it with lots of amazing CGI and forget about a story or anything else. Unfortunately, that doesn't work. Movie goers demand more, they want decent dialogue, and interaction between characters, they want drama. This had none of that.
What is weird is this movie came from the same stable as Kong Skull Island and it's hard to see why they got that one so right and this one so wrong.
If you aren't bothered about a story, dialogue, drama etc and just want great CGI effects watch this movie, otherwise give it a miss.
Oh, I almost forgot, the ending! (Spoiler alert) is the lead characters wife dead or alive? To just end with virtually nothing resolved and Godzilla standing there with some of the creatures around him made no sense and obviously was only done to make us watch the inevitable follow up to this movie. But why? Kong Skull Island wrapped things individually in the movie up, they could have at least done that.
In conclusion, give it a miss, let's hope the next movie in this series, which is rumoured to be Kong meets Godzilla which should be awesome, is better than this movie. A dissapointing disjointed mess, barely redeemed with amazing CGI. 2 stars sadly only awarded.
*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going thankyou :)
I was really looking forward to seeing this movie. The first Godzilla movie was good, the movie that followed that movie Kong: Skull Island was brilliant! Exciting scenes as the planes fought Kong, the epic journey across the island, the vow to leave it as it is as Kong is the ruler of the island was all brilliant. King Kong shows us how a disaster type movie should be.
This new Godzilla movie links into that movie slightly but more so continues from the first Godzilla movie.
The trailers for this movie were epic, the fight scenes between Godzilla and the other monsters looked brilliant and, as you would expect on a movie like this, the CGI looked amazing, and it was!
However I did have a concern with the critic reviews, they were poor which I thought surprising for an epic disaster movie, on the other side the public reviews were awesome so I thought this must be good.
How wrong I was! It's rare that I start to nod off during a movie, and in fairness the fact that the heating seemed to be on in the cinema didn't help, there was certainly no air conditioning on as you would expect, but that wasn't the main reason I was nodding off, it was the movie itself!
Firstly, the good bits of the movie, and the reason it gets some credit, the CGI. The CGI or in laymans terms special effects, in this movie are epic. The fight scenes between the monsters are awesome but that's it. That's literally the only thing good about this movie, sadly.
In terms of the negatives where do I start? Well, the storyline was a complete joke, it just skipped from scene to scene with often no cohesion or explanation between scenes. It was very confusing and very hard to follow.
The interaction between the characters was minimal, except to say 'another creature has been released' or generic things like that. It was like the actors had been given very generic lines to say just to waste time until the next time we see one of the giant creatures on the screen.
Also, although as I said the CGI was great, it was often very hard to tell what creature was winning due to the very random camera shots, for which I'm guessing the blame lies with the director maybe? One minute you see the creatures fighting at quite a long distance away, the next minute extreme close ups of the creatures heads, it was all incredibly hard to follow.
In terms of why it was also boring, and why I was nodding off, well the scenes in between the creature fighting scenes were just dull, and it really was hard to stay awake!
This movie unfortunately really is a lesson in how not to do a disaster movie. Boring dialogue, just used as filler to get to the next creature fighting scene, terrible camera work during the fighting scenes, with only great CGI to redeem it. It's like the makers of this movie basically said let's just fill it with lots of amazing CGI and forget about a story or anything else. Unfortunately, that doesn't work. Movie goers demand more, they want decent dialogue, and interaction between characters, they want drama. This had none of that.
What is weird is this movie came from the same stable as Kong Skull Island and it's hard to see why they got that one so right and this one so wrong.
If you aren't bothered about a story, dialogue, drama etc and just want great CGI effects watch this movie, otherwise give it a miss.
Oh, I almost forgot, the ending! (Spoiler alert) is the lead characters wife dead or alive? To just end with virtually nothing resolved and Godzilla standing there with some of the creatures around him made no sense and obviously was only done to make us watch the inevitable follow up to this movie. But why? Kong Skull Island wrapped things individually in the movie up, they could have at least done that.
In conclusion, give it a miss, let's hope the next movie in this series, which is rumoured to be Kong meets Godzilla which should be awesome, is better than this movie. A dissapointing disjointed mess, barely redeemed with amazing CGI. 2 stars sadly only awarded.
*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission but please visit my advertisers pages as they help keep the blog going thankyou :)
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